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My Bro

Hai peeps..da lame rsenye x update..haha..sori la..my blog wt hal..x tau la nape..but now da ok da..kli ni nye post aq nk story ckit kt korunk sal my bro..act,aq knal die kt kem yg aq pegi dulu..die dtg kt kem 2 pon as photographer..mule2 tgk muke die n style die cam sombong..but act,die ok la..kitorunk mule start bersembang bile aq add die n kcu die..bkn aq je k yg add die..my fren naz pon add..ni idea kitorunk nk mngenakn our photographer..pergh,klu berdebat ngn die x penah nk mngalah..de je idea die nk mngenakn kitorunk..then,kitorunk start tuka2 6be..tp korunk jgn salah tafsir lak..k`..die my bro je la..lame gak la aq ngn die bermsg..smpi kredit aq kering..ps2 pki SOS top up la..haha..gile an`..tp sbb die ni ok,sporting that`s y aq lyn..klu smbong jgn hrp..

then,lpas agk lame knl..kitorunk pon start web-camming..mule2 aq segan gile(blushy)but,now..suda ok..suda bese ngn die..mybe 2 je kot,yg aq nk share..haha..klu de cite bru,aq akn update..bwh ni la my bro..haha..bye~

my bro..gmbr ni aq yg edit..ok ark

edited by along..
haha..thanx..i appreciate it..