Hye peeps..Welcome to my blog..tell me whether ur happy or not with my blog k`..luv u !!

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hye korunk~! hehe..sori la ye aq pnye tjuk kli ni agk sengal ckit..cuz aq mlaz pk la..
haha..lupe mau ckp..i`m back~! haha..stelah skian lame mnyepi..lame ke`..bru 5 ari je kot..haha..
act,aq blek johor la..ade knduri khwin..huhu..pngalaman yg x dpt dlupkan la..
susa btol nk kawin ni ye~=.=`..tah pape je aq an`..
tp btol pe..pe x nye..nk ready tu ni.pnat wokk..aq yg stakt bntu ckit2 ni pon da ngeluh..pe tah lg pngntin an`.,
spnjg aq kt sane mmg aq jrang pgg phne la..phne dok terperap dlm blek je..mlaz la mau pgg..
da la besa*mrungut..haha..nseb la xde rmi sgt yg kcu aq mse tu..klu x tension kot..
bg aq pngalamn jge plamin n tnggu org antar brg kawin kt pdg la pngalamn yg x leh dlupekn..
best seyh~*da mcm org sngpore lak aq ni..haha..pe x nye..da la kt umh pnt kmas dpo..ps2 aq drequest oleh pngtin tuk tgk2kn brg kt pdg..pergh~! tp aq x kesa sgt..cuz kt c2 aq juz rhat2 je..tgk org psg plamin,pntas dan sbginye..
korunk tau pkol brape ank hjis tdo? pkol 3 pg wok~! bygkn bngon kol 8 lebih cm2..mmg pning kpale la jwbnye..
tp pape pon knduri mmg grand..siap de konvoi myvi wok..ps2 konvoi moto yg besa2 2..gile la..dgr bp aq ckp hrge moto tu same dgn hrge sbijik umh..korunk bygkn...tp moto dorunk mmg gmpk..ps2 yg bwk jnis yg bdn agk tough..
mmg sesuai la..haha

adoi...act,byk yg aq nk cite ag ni..tp skunk aq mau tutup lappy la..
suda pnat meyh..nnt aq smbong dlm bhg.2..wah~da mcm cite siries je an`..
with my kazen la..andha..mse ni mlm tau..ngh duduk2 kt khemah..tnggu org antr brg sume..

ahhaaaa..this is me..mse knduri tu..


d|^.^|b said...

ni ke hasil make-up yg dibodek ari tu?hahaha...

Natasha Hajis said...

make up ?

tolak twrn la..cuz make up nye tabal smcm..erk..adk x make up pon la..natural meyh~..